When it comes to charity, donations and giving, so many of us think solely in terms of the money that we can afford to give. While monetary donations are, of course, extremely valuable and greatly appreciated, sometimes, it is another gift we have to offer that can make the biggest difference.
Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity) is a highly rewarded deed in Islam. Many different forms of charity count as Sadaqah Jariyah and one of the best is to give your time to help others.
Time is a highly precious gift that we can share with those around us, regardless of our background. Additionally, it is something that we all have to give – even if you think you are too busy, it is always possible to spare even just a few minutes of your time to give to someone in need.
In today’s hectic, fast-paced society, it can be all too easy to get distracted by things that do not really add value to our lives and the lives of others around us. Whether it is spending hours aimlessly scrolling through your social media feed or simply procrastinating, this is all valuable time that could be spent working to make your own or someone else’s life better.
An act of Sadaqah Jariyah, such as sponsoring a child to go to school, is a valuable way to spend your time – and it will bring countless rewards and blessings both now and in the Hereafter.
So, whether you have just a few minutes to spare or are prepared to set aside a longer period of time to help those around you, let’s explore just a few of the ways in which you can give the gift of time.
Above all else, it is important to ensure that you are making time for yourself. Feeling stressed and overworked can lead to burn-out and a struggle to give your all. However, tackling the day feeling refreshed, motivated, and ready to do your best will lead to a happier, healthier you. Isn’t that worth it?
That being said, relaxation doesn’t have to be the only way to spend the time you have to yourself. Instead, why not take the opportunity to go for a run, participate in some exercise, or try your hand at a new skill or hobby? By actively doing something to boost your fitness, knowledge or skillset, you will be preparing yourself for a rewarding day.
Our family and friends are a vital part of our lives. Not only do they love, support, and care for us, but they are the people who know us best and can really enrich the quality of our lives.
Making time for those closest to you is most likely something that you already do anyway, but are you really making the most of the time that you are spending with your loved ones? The next time that you are visiting family, heading out with friends, or even just spending a night in with your own family, put down your phone, say no to distractions or excuses, and simply spend some wonderful, quality time with the people who mean the most to you.